Our Promise to You - RubySun&Co.'s Magic

Step into our world, and let's embark on a journey together. Imagine unwrapping a box that holds more than just items; it holds possibilities. Our "Luxe Dark Fairy Tale Mystery Box" is a testament to this promise - an invitation to explore the enchantment within the shadows, to dress in tales as old as time, and to let your wardrobe be a gateway to realms unseen.

Here's why you'll love being part of our family:

  • A Personal Touch: Each box is a reflection of you. With a detailed intake form (and a nudge to share your Pinterest Boards with us), we tailor your mystery box to echo your unique style essence. It's like receiving a gift from a friend who knows you inside out.

  • Sustainable Magic: Our commitment to sustainability isn't just a trend; it's our philosophy. From the eco-conscious packaging to the treasures inside, we're dedicated to making beauty and sustainability walk hand in hand.

  • A Community of Dreamers: Join us on Facebook, where RubySun&Co.'s family of style enthusiasts and eco-warriors gather to share their journeys. It's a place of support, inspiration, and, most importantly, shared magic.

  • The Joy of Discovery: Every unboxing is a celebration, a moment of pure magic that's as unique as you are. Our tiered mystery boxes, each with an additional accessory or special bonus item for those grand adventurers, promise a wardrobe transformation that's both mythical and meaningful.

  • Slow Living: We're well aware of the effects of the industrial revolution & Fast fashion, and are doing our best to create a culture here at rubysun&co. of intention. we don't expect you to start making everything by hand, but would love to be here on your journey of slowing down. not only to provide you with tools and community of people looking to do the same, but to be here support you every step of the way🌱

At RubySun&Co., we're not just selling clothes; we're weaving dreams into reality, one box at a time. We invite you to join us on this journey, to become part of a community that believes in the power of magic, style, and sustainability. Choose your box, share your story, and let's fill this world with a little more enchantment, together.

Welcome to the RubySun&Co. family. Your fairy tale starts now.

Meet Bri Kepler - The Heart Behind RubySun&Co.

Hey there, I'm Bri - a single mom, treasure hunter, and the creative force behind RubySun&Co. My journey started with a simple belief: that every day holds a bit of magic, waiting to be discovered by those willing to look. RubySun&Co. was born from my passion for unearthing hidden gems in the least expected places and my dream to share this magic with you.

Why join our family? Because RubySun&Co. isn't just about fashion; it's about finding yourself in the stories woven through our carefully curated collections. It's about embracing the magic within and expressing it outwardly. Here, you're not just buying a piece of clothing. it's about creating a community of like minded people where we can truly foster connections, support systems, and friendships; you're stepping into a story, a fantasy that you help to complete.

Bri's Socials:

Want to buy this busy Mama a coffee?

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